Dear friends - supporters of pioneer flying

In this introductory word I am opening our new websites here. They were created in cooperation with my colleagues,. They are focused especially on future plans and projects of the Sports Flying Association, based in Brno, Czech Republic, operating in Australia.
A long time idea and desire of a man to fly like fabulous aviators Icarus and Daidalos, only with help of sun and wind, high and far away, is ready to come true. And I am not talking about some unimportant attempts of no account. We are striving to make research gliding flights in stratosphere, long distance record flights between continents, but our most daring dream is to make a gliding flight around the Earth with an international all-woman crew, which is one of the most prestigeous tasks and most difficult objectives of general aviation. The basic concept is ready. What we need now is great understanding for funding these research flights and attempts that will enter history and their importance will compare with deeds of great personalities of aviation like Leonardo daVinci, Otto Lilienthal, Orwile brothers, Wilbur Wright, Louis Bleriot, Charles Lindbergh, Chuck Yager, Neil Armstrong and others.

It is easy to lead discussions about phenomena in the layer adjacent to the atmosphere, that have not been examined yet, and that are falling behind the fast development of air transport. It is much more difficult and more reasonable to support this research and these objectives. It is a challenge for mankind. Only those who want to enter history, and do not want to stay aside, find progress easy.
Our websites completed by photos and sketches will inform about our activities, and companies, organizations and individuals supporting our projects. Our objective is to prepare this project together with the best experts and sponzors. This way we appeal to people of all countries to unite and cooperate in this project. Sports success of Hana Zejdová with many world records is a sufficient guarantee.
We do not want to disappoint you. Quite the opposite, together with you we want to be the first to achieve this goal without any engine power. Our new book „Otto Lilienthal medal“ and a DVD movie „Per Aspera ad Astra“ (distribution see bellow) is dealing about unprecedented international cooperation resulting in major achievements, and about our future plans. I am sure it will persuade you that it is right to cooperate with us and become members of this extraordinary international team.


 We wish you, dear friends, to experience success together with us in this historical project Icada. We wish you to witness another significant step forward in history of mankind.

Vladislav Zejda

Autor projektu Icada:

Vladislav Zejda

introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction

Z dopisu prezidentu republiky panu Miloši Zemanovi k materiálu s žádostí o rehabilitaci Hany Zejdové k vysvětlení, proč v České republice neuznávaná držitelka Lilienthalovy medaile v letectví, která má vyšší hodnotu než zlatá Olympijská medaile, je trestaná a odsouzená k vyhladovění.

Při udělování záštity ke slavné činnosti Hany Zejdové v projektu ICADA v roce 2000 jste prohlásil - a proč by to neplatilo i dnes postřehem a právem, že u nás ojedinělá a historicky významná Lilienthalova medaile od FAI, nejvyšší mezinárodní ocenění pro bezmotorové letce, kteří jsou tvůrčím základem letectví od jeho začátku dodnes, udělované nejvýše jednou ročně jedinému nejzasloužilejšímu pilotu na světě, je u nás jen jedna v rukou Hany Zejdové - kdežto Olympijských zlatých medailí jsou již i u nás stovky.

V tom je bez snižování hodnoty zlaté Olympijské medaile bezesporu velký rozdíl a proto degradace a zničení mimořádné Češky s vymazáním z historie letectví za výkon století, jakého nedosáhli muži a nedůstojné odstranění ze sportu a z života královny leteckých sportů Hany Zejdové mafiány vlastního národa zasluhuje odsouzení a nápravu v jejím postavení především od Vás pane prezidente.

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